Anthony "no vow of poverty for me" Morris the Third says: "We've been waiting for this."
The charlatans literally try to make capital out of every major disaster or crisis which happens on earth and use it to bolster their illusory "God-given" "prophets of Armageddon" status.
Since Jesus told his genuine followers this...
(Matthew 24:44) the Son of man is coming at an hour that you (my true followers) do not think to be it.
(Mark 13:35) ...for you (my true followers) do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late in the day or at midnight or before dawn or early in the morning
(Acts 1:7) “It does not belong to you (my true followers) to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction. must be obvious that anyone who contradicts Jesus isn't a Christian, but rather, is anti-Christ.
Oh I forgot - that's the purpose of the JW Shun-Christ Memorial, isn't it?